Apollo moon landing in craterCity street parade of terminatorsDarth Vader playing vollyballEnterprise launching fightersFast purple miataFast purple miata on a beach with a sharkFiat Panda explodesField of bacon at sunsetGiant hairy eyeball looking downHeghlu meH QaQ jajvamIt was the dawn of the third age of mankindNuclear bombardment from orbitPorsche Cayenne in a wormholePorsche Cayenne in space going to warpSRX300 on the rampage near ChicagoSunset on a field of baconTHE DEAD SPEAKTexas snow destroys windThe avalanche has already started it is too late for the pebbles to voteVirtual particle pairsamazon package deliveryare we not mencatspiderceiling cat is watching you play warcraftcephalopod frenzychemical makeup of ureacoronavirus fighting eboladeuterium tritium fusiondread cthulhu rises from the oceanexecute order 66eyes in the spaces between the eyesgiant vats of chicken soupgreen eyes replace headlightshamster rebellion in new yorkhamster vampire culthow do you get down off an elephanthow sausage is madei am not an atomic playboyice cream cone on the groundimproperly indented codeintellects vast and cool and unsympatheticmedium rare bread with a light butter glazemostly harmlessmy hovercraft is full of eelsnetwork diagram from hellorange you glad I did not say bananaplane on a snakeplanes made of snakesplease do the needful to my servant the domino is downpurple terrorserial tokenizer is not optimizedsince when did my computer start dreaming this waysnake full of planessnakes made of planessnakes on a planesolution to fermats last theoremspammers being tarred and featheredstamped human bacon by some butchery toolstargate wormholetapeworms on a planetarget that explosion and firetechnical difficultiestentacle nightmarethe crash of starship 10the hoboken chicken emergencythe man who walked up a hill and came down a mountainthey say the smog is why we have such wonderful sunsets in californiathousands of golf balls raining from the skytraffic snarl as taco truck overturned spilling callons of sauce on major freewaytrapped in minecraftuser not in sudoers file this incident will be reportedwhen the duck stares backwhere is my cane I ordered a canewhy are there so many songs about rainbows