A repository of nonsense

Who the hell is this?
Sometime around early 1994, two of my friends compelled me to compile a program called NCSA Mosaic. After getting it to work on our local XWindows system, we used it to view the entirety of the World Wide Web as it existed at the time. It was what, 17 pages? We could see the Smithsonian and dinosaur pictures. I was not impressed. I disinctly recall saying "nothing will come of this".
I have nothing but regret for my personal lack of vision.
I've tried my hand at running a business, twice. I've been an independant consultant, I've sold my soul to be a consultant for a company. I've done base webhosting jobs, a gas station clerk, infantryman, professional bum, but for the past decade and a half been with the same company as it got bought, absorbed, merged, and then assimilated by my current employer IBM. Yes, I work for Big Blue. (This isn't to say I speak for IBM. On the contrary, I don't think anyone wants me speaking on their behalf if they can help it, and IBM feels the same way. If you think any of my opinions translate somehow to IBM's official position, you are a moron and should not be taken seriously. You'll know when I speak on behalf of IBM because you will be paying IBM for the privilege.)
What nonsense am I showcasing
ITEM 1: Machine generated art
I am an extraordinarily lazy person by nature. What could be better than getting a computer to do the hard part of crafting art for me? Push a button, type in some text and blammo, out pops an image I coudld turn into an NFT and make the big bucks.
ITEM 2: I dunno yet
ITEM 3: I dunno about this yet either
Yeah eventually I'll do blogging stuff maybe again. This is a placeholder for the link and the text, maybe a couple of posts would go here.